This seems to be really funny but I almost cried when my JC Lita Spike were destroyed after 100metres walking. So Im returning them back and...
Spring is slowly coming and I'm thinking what do I need for it. Below there are pieces that I'm going to get and wear especially during the spring. Making a wishlist always brings me the spring mood!
Jaro se pomalu blĂĆŸĂ a jĂĄ pĆemĂœĆĄlĂm ÄĂm se na nÄj potĆebuji vybavit. NĂĆŸe najdete kousky, kterĂ© plĂĄnuju sehnat a nosit hlavnÄ prĂĄvÄ na jaĆe. TvoĆenĂ takovĂ©ho wishlistu mi vĆŸdycky navodĂ tu sprĂĄvnou jarnĂ nĂĄladu!
Spring is slowly coming and I'm thinking what do I need for it. Below there are pieces that I'm going to get and wear especially dur...
Outfit from my day off when we have been feeding the swans by the freezing Vltava river. Well they were certainly not freezing, I was. And I looked like that as I can see now, haha. I was talking about tights needed under the thin pants. I have got these pants for a while but they are very similar fabric and I forgot about these tights. But the fur jacket was really warming. First time in my new Modekungen heels and Im ethusiastic about them. Despite the hight heel they are comfortable and I wasnt freezing from the ground like in flats.
Outfit ze dne volna, kdy jsme byli nakrmit labutÄ mrznoucĂ ve VltavÄ. Teda jim urÄitÄ zima nebyla, ale jĂĄ mrzla a to jsem se ledovĂ© vody ani nedotkla, asi podle toho i tak vypadĂĄm, jak se tak dĂvĂĄm, haha. V minulĂ©m postu jsem mluvila a nutnĂœch punÄochĂĄch pod lehkĂ© kalhoty. Tyhlety mĂĄm uĆŸ dĂ©le, ale jsou z podobnĂ©ho materiĂĄlu a na punÄochy jsem zapomnÄla. Bunda s koĆŸĂĆĄkem uvnitĆ hĆĂĄla vĆĄak vĂœbornÄ. PoprvĂ© v novĂœch botech z Modekungen a jsem nadĆĄenĂĄ. PĆes vĂœĆĄku platformy jsou vĂĄĆŸnÄ pohodlnĂ© a nebyla v nich zima od zemÄ jako v botech bez podpatku.
I almost forgot about this bag which has been my favourite for a long time! I took it with me for a weekend trip so expect other outfits with it soon. Gold details on the bag go well with other gold jewellery that I like these days but I didnt add a lot to this outfit as the combo of leather, welvet and wool is already pretty much. Im enjoying the material combos right now, the pity is just the collar, I wish it was leather, but a blouse with leather details is still in the post. Hope it arrives soon, as a lot of new pieces are coming so stay tuned for a new-in post!
Skoro jsem zapomnÄla na svou dlouho oblĂbenou kabelku! Vzala jsem si ji s sebou na vĂkend, takĆŸe s nĂ jeĆĄtÄ brzy Äekejte nÄjakĂ© outfity. ZlatĂ© detaily na kabelce jdou dobĆe s ostatnĂmi zlatĂœmi doplĆky, kterĂ© teÄ celkovÄ mĆŻĆŸu, ale tentokrĂĄt jsem jich moc nepĆidala, uĆŸ kombinace kĆŻĆŸe, sametu a vlny se mi zdĂĄ dost. Kombinovat materiĂĄly mÄ teÄ taky bavĂ, jen mÄ mrzĂ ten lĂmeÄek, lĂbil by se mi vĂc prĂĄvÄ koĆŸenĂœ, ale koĆĄile s koĆŸenĂœmi detaily je teprve na cestÄ. DoufĂĄm, ĆŸe brzy dorazĂ, tak jako spousta dalĆĄĂch novĂœch kouskĆŻ, kterĂ© ÄekĂĄm, takĆŸe vy Äekejte new-in pĆĂspÄvek!
I almost forgot about this bag which has been my favourite for a long time! I took it with me for a weekend trip so expect other outfits wit...