Winter is almost over so just a few pics I took within those days at home. Zima už pomalu končí a tady jen pár fotek co jsem za ty dny ...
This coat would sure deserve a shopping post but I couldnt wait to wear it and removed the tag as soon as I got home to try it on. This last piece was waiting for me in the store Nymph (Vodičkova street, Prague) and it is by Monki. Definitelly love at first sight, but Im sure not everyone is going to like such an original piece, what do you say?
Tento kabát by si určitě zasloužil vlastní shopping post, ale já nemohla počkat a oblíkla si ho, hned jak jej donesla domů a sundala visačky. Tenhle poslední kousek na mě čekal v obchodě Nymph ve Vodičkově ulici a je značky Monki. Byla to láska na první pohled, ale je mi jasné, že takhle výrazný kousek se každému líbit nebude, co vám?
This coat would sure deserve a shopping post but I couldnt wait to wear it and removed the tag as soon as I got home to try it on. This las...